The purchase of a sewing machine showed us that dignified work and fair wages breaks cycles of poverty, prevents human trafficking, and creates generations of change.
The BYTAVI line is produced by a talented team of women in Cambodia who sew together at the BYTAVI workshop. Our hands are in the process from first stitch, to proudly signing their name on the finished product. We are a community of mother’s, daughters, sisters and friends. We value relationships and take time to enjoy a meal together and share in a time of daily devotions.
The workshop is full of laughter and celebration as we celebrate holidays, birthdays, baby showers and graduations. We encourage a healthy work-life balance by closing for Holidays and honoring maternity leave. The BYTAVI management team of seasoned seamstresses provides support and encouragement. In an industry that is fast-paced, high-pressure and known for poor working conditions we pride ourselves in being a workshop that supports quality of life and creates quality products.

BYTAVI is a project of the nonprofit organization Center for Global Impact. Your purchase has Impact beyond the BYTAVI workshop. Learn more about our sister projects, the Culinary Training Center and Imprint project.